“Bravo God, bravo! Gods and all angels shout, “Encore!” In awe before the glory, in awe before God’s visible power.” Psalms 29:1-2a

Stop and look around. Even in the direst situation, you can find beauty, good,…God. For someone, you may feel like you can’t take another day. But stop, hold your head up, and put on your God goggles. When you see the beauty, stop and gaze and ponder at the magnificence (whether minuscule or of great magnitude) you discover. Start applauding, smiling, and thanking God for His creation.

This makes me think of when we go to concerts or sporting events and we stand to cheer on the team or entertainer of our choice. We have no problem standing and applauding or getting passionate about that event. Well, my God is so much more worth it! Don’t be ashamed. Get passionate and enthusiastic about Him. Have an awesome Friday.

March 2