“I want to see!”
When I read these words this morning in Mark 10:46-52, they just kept reiterating in my mind over and over again.
Here, in God’s Word, you have this blind man that was sitting by the road side. He heard that Jesus was getting ready to walk by, so he began to beg Him for mercy. The crowd around the blind man told him to hush, but this only made him want to shout to Christ even louder. And he did. Well, his persistence paid off. Jesus stopped and called for the blind man to come to Him. The man, without hesitation, jumped to his feet and went to Jesus. Jesus knew (as He always does) what the man wanted, but asked him anyhow. The man said, “Rabbi, I want to see!” And Jesus told the blind man to go because his faith has healed him. Now the man can see. The man didn’t go too far though; he walked along and followed Jesus.
Several thoughts come to my mind. Recently, my hometown had a parade. So while reading the verses, I imagined a crowd of people lining the streets awaiting the sights and sounds to pass them by. I can hear the children and kids-at-heart saying “I want to see….my friend, my child, the flag, the float,…Give me candy. Give me beads.” Yes, I can envision it all while reading Mark, but the “what I want” was more than something as tangible as a float, friend, or flag. I want to see more of Jesus.
Whether it has been a season in my life when I felt like I just wasn’t hearing God and I wanted to feel His presence, or a time when I was filled with shame and was crying out for forgiveness to God. Beads and candy was not what I was wanting. “I want to see Jesus!”
Cry out to the God who spoke the heavens into existence. Who breathed a word and the stars were born. He assigned the seas to its boundaries and when He spoke the world began (Psalms 33:6-9). He is all powerful and all knowing. Allow him to turn your dry season into refreshing water.
Cry out, “Rabbi, I want to see!” Then watch Him work in and through you, then follow Him.

March 11