Good intentions.  Those words come to my mind when I read Mark 14:22-42.  Peter was gung ho (enthusiastic or dedicated) for Jesus.  But we discover that his fleshly desires overtook his “good intentions”.
Boy, oh boy, has that happened to me! When I sit and think about the various times I planned on doing something but I either got sidetracked, lazy, or realized that I set myself up for a big task and psyched myself out saying “I can’t do it”, my heart aches.
“It’s the thought that counts.” Right? Hmmm, not always.
As I write this now, God reminds me to always pray about something and ask Him for guidance in the words I choose or the action I make. If I do so, and not get caught up in the moment, my good intentions will become a “sure shot”.
Lord, I need not only think before I speak or do, but pray first. I tend to want to do the right thing, but discover that I’m reacting to the moment and You may have other plans. Forgive me. Guide me. I love You, Lord. Amen.