“Don’t you get it?!” “How can you still not understand?!” I can just hear the sighing in Jesus’ voice when time after time, miracle after miracle, his disciples and others witness and are right in the middle of the wonderful activities going on with Christ and they still have doubt.
In Mark 8:1-21, you read about the feeding of the 4,000+ (this is after He had already fed the 5,000+), the testing from the Pharisees for proof of Jesus’ authority, and the arguing of the twelve disciples because they only had one loaf of bread among them to eat. “Wha, Wha, Wha. Blah. Blah. Blah.”
Are we so different today?  Get this, God still performs miracles and He still provides for our needs. So quit your whining and complaining and…Trust Him. Have faith. Smile, hold your head up, and know that He is with you and will take care of you.

March 5