Tears come to my eyes as I read the story of the sinful woman in Luke 7:36-50. Jesus has been invited to have dinner at the home of a Pharisee. While He was there, a woman who was known to be a “woman of the city”, a sinner, came and wept at Jesus’ feet and wiped His feet with her hair. The Pharisee had a thought and Jesus read his mind. The words that He spoke to the Pharisee were priceless. (Click the verses in Luke below to read it all for yourself.)
Do we judge people as the Pharisee did? I can’t honestly answer “No” all the time.
Have I looked at others and thought, “What are they doing here at church?” Probably.
Am I being hypocritical when I judge others or have “I am better than they are” thoughts? Yes.
Am I a sinner? Oh, yes.
Being self-righteous is not a way to live. Living a life of forgiveness and being humble is more beautiful than anything.
God is in the business of forgiving, cleansing, and making us pure again.  That’s ALL of us, not just those who sin very little or whose sin is not so outlandish. To God, a sin is a sin, no matter how big or small.
I know I am personally so grateful for God’s forgiveness. I have found myself flat on my face crying out to Him for wrongs in my life. You can probably say I had one of those “ugly cries”. Praise Him for making me pure again in those areas in my life where they looked as if I had been wallowing in the mud of sin.
At the end of the story in Luke, Jesus told the lady “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” If Jesus can forgive and welcome even the lowliest and biggest sinners when they humbly come to Him, why can’t we?
Forgive. Don’t judge. God is working in us all. Allow Him to work through you and through others who you may deem a once “big sinner”. Romans 3:23, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,”.
“Thank you, Jesus, for this weekend; for dying on the cross for my sins, for all of our sins, even before we were born. This is not only a time of remembrance of You dying on the cross, but the glory of You rising again! You are alive today! You did all this so that we can live with you for all eternity if we just believe and have faith in You. THANK YOU! I love you, Lord with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength. Help me to be forgiving, just as you have been and still are. Help me not to judge others, for that is Your business, not mine. Amen”

April 7