Turn your eyes upon Jesus...

When you see no hope, turn your eyes up to God.
I never get tired of the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand. I can see and feel the desperation in the minds and faces of the disciples when Jesus tells them to “Give them something to eat.”, and they only have five fish and two loaves of bread for an enormous crowd. How can they still doubt Him after all this time? I can imagine them saying to each other, “Is He joking? Seriously! Look at this crowd and look at this food. We don’t even have enough for us to eat, let alone five thousand men not including the women and children.  Jesus has lost His mind!” (Those disciples were such ‘the drama’ in their day. Haha) Then, I envision Jesus, shaking His head and saying, “Oh now boys, when are you going to get it? Trust me.”
Not only does the Son of God look up to heaven (as if saying, “Daddy, they are not trusting us again. Show them what You’ve got.”), but He does what we need to always do, He thanks God for what He has been given. We need to be grateful for what we have in life. Praise God for those little blessings. He can do great things with what little we may have. It’s not us to do great things, but God through us. Pray and be grateful, and He will bless you beyond what you can imagine.
Do as Psalms 44:8 says to do and boast in God and give thanks and praise to Him all day long.
Have a blessed day and always look to God for guidance.
April 10