This summer we are taking a family trip to Oregon.   Tim had the choice to sign us up for a calm river ride or a white water adventure. A choice? Let’s go for the adventure!
I’ve been on both types of river rides before.  I went on the calm river ride in Wyoming when I was pregnant with Cole (our third child). It was a nice and pleasant ride.  The family enjoyed the beauty around us and felt very relaxed and at peace. I’ve been on a white water adventure twice before. Once in North Carolina when I was in youth group, then again a few years back down the Zambezi River in South Africa. Those were adventures.  Yes, we did have times of relaxation and peace, and enjoyed the beauty around us. Then we had the thrill of riding those rapids. Screams, laughter, and the clacking of “paddle high fives” were often heard. It was exhilarating!
I want the flow of the Holy Spirit to move through me like a grand adventure.  There are times of peace and calmness, and then there are periods when I feel a rush within me that makes me crave more and more of God.
In John 7:38 it says, “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”  In The Message translation it reads, “Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the depths of anyone who believes in me this way”.
Lord, fill me to the brim. Spill out of me so that others may know You.  My cup runneth over!
Do you want to get on board for a great adventure? Exhilarate your life with Christ. Just don’t forget to hang on to Him!Wink

May 28