Mrs. Jany on Christmas morning (with Mr. Shuff, Hunter, Holly, and Cole).

How fitting that the day after Mother’s Day I started reading the book of Ruth.  The story of Naomi and Ruth is sad, yet beautiful. The loss of a husband and two sons would be devastating.  (I pray that I never have to go through something so shattering.  And if you have experienced this type of tragedy, I just prayed for you.)
Naomi, the mother-on-law, and Ruth, the daughter-in-law, traveled back to Naomi’s homeland to live.  Naomi felt as though God had turned His back on her and she was becoming bitter.  But she soon discovered differently and said, “ God hasn’t quite walked out on us after all! He still loves us, in bad times as well as good!”  God had a plan for their lives, and He was not going to leave them.
I have been blessed to have been surrounded by godly women in my life who have raised me to be the woman I am today.  My great-grandmothers, grandmothers, mom, and mother-in-law, are/were all strong Christian women whom I totally admire. The tenderness, strength, grace, forgiveness, feistiness, love, and oh so many more qualities I’ve gained from these women have carried me through various situations in my life and I pray that I have and will continue to pass many of the characteristics down to my own daughter and future ladies in my life.
This story of a Naomi and Ruth makes me think about the relationship I have with my own mother-in-law.  She is a woman whom I have much love and respect for and have learned so many valuable lessons from.  Mrs. Jany (I’ve called her that ever since she was my Sunday school teacher when I was a junior in high school) has only two sons, like Naomi.  Since I began dating my husband when I was sixteen, then not married to him until six and a half years later, I have had a plethora of occasions to have many conversations and have seen her in action in how she lives her life. She has always treated me as her own.  We have been through good times together and difficult times as well.
When I hear others talk about their mom-in-law in ways that “in-laws” are often portrayed, I feel blessed to have Mrs. Jany in my life.  Are times always “rosey” for us? No. I believe we are too much alike.  The things that may drive me crazy about her are the same exact things that I completely see myself doing in that stage in my life.  I just take a breath; think about how I would, and probably will do, things, and appreciate her for all that she unconditionally does for me.
I pray that I will be a fun, gracious, honest, and loving mother-in-law and grandmother like Mrs. Jany when I have the opportunity (unless Jesus comes first).

May 14