Have you ever had the opportunity to do something really bad but then heard your conscience tell you, “No!”? Or maybe you did do something, and almost as soon as you did it, or maybe a time later, you started to regret that you ever did what you did? SMH (Shake My Head) in shame, I definitely have.
In 1 Samuel today, we read where David had the perfect opportunity to do wrong King Saul. (Remember, Saul had been searching for David to kill him.  He was jealous.) Saul was delivered right into David’s hands, and David only cut off a corner of Saul’s robe. Immediately David was conscience-stricken. It says in 1 Samuel 24:5-6, “Later, David felt bad about what he did.  He said to his men, “I pray the LORD never lets me do anything like that to my master again.”
Because we have been given free-will, we have choices to make in life. There are consequences to the choices we make, good or bad. In reading Proverbs 14:22 this morning it says, “If you plan to do evil, you will be lost; if you plan to do good, you will receive unfailing love and faithfulness.” Lost or love? That doesn’t sound like a difficult choice to make to me.
Again, since we have been given free-will, we will make mistakes in life. But when we do make those mistakes, we need to ask for forgiveness.  Don’t hide that sin in your heart.  God can see it all anyhow.  Start fresh. He will listen to you if you come to Him with sincerity and repentance in your heart. He will not turn away from you and will continue to show His love to you.  Maybe from your experience, you can share with someone else so that they won’t make the same mistake you made.  I’m not making this up.  It says all this in Psalm 66:16-20, “All you people who worship God, come and I will tell you what He has done for me. I cried out to Him for help, and I praised him. If I had been hiding sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened to me.But God did listen to me; He heard my prayer. Praise God! He did not turn away from me—He listened to my prayer.  He continues to show his love to me!”
I pray you have a beautiful day.  Learn from your mistakes. Ask for and give forgiveness. Praise God. Love out loud.
May 27