I am praying for you all!

Again, bless you and thank you wherever you are!
I am amazed at how many countries visit soakinguptheson.com.  Whether you read one page or 92 (Wow!, Russian Federation.) I pray that you were somehow able to draw a little closer to God through reading my journaling.
Mark 16:15 says, “And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”  I may not be able to go out and reach every country physically, but praise God that He has gifted people creatively so that I can reach others via technology.
Am I confident daily that what I write will encourage someone? No way.  You know that feeling when you had a fabulous dream that made total sense to you while having it, the kind you think would make a great Hollywood movie, but when you woke up to explain it to someone, it didn’t sound very captivating then?  Well, that’s me often when I sometimes wonder if what I write first thing in the morning even makes sense to anyone besides me.
I’m just one little voice. I was inspired by others to share God’s love and word through this avenue.  Find your niche. Share Him with others so that all the world may know Him.
Thank you for continuing to read. I am humbled beyond!
Blessings to all,