I have told my own children and kids at school something to do or not to do, and then they turn right around and do the opposite as if they didn’t listen to or hear what I had said.  Has this happened to you?  I know I’ve done this myself when I was young and probably even now in my forties.
Why? Do we busy ourselves with too many things? Do we busy ourselves with things that are not important?  Do we have conversations with others and only partly listen because our mind is already moving on to another task?
When I read Luke 24:1-12 this morning about when Jesus rose from the dead, the ladies went to tell the disciples and others, “But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense. 12 Peter, however, got up and ran to the tomb. Bending over, he saw the strips of linen lying by themselves, and he went away, wondering to himself what had happened”, made me think about the phrase, “In one ear and out the other.”
Excuse me, but hadn’t Jesus been with them day after day and told them exactly what was going to happen?  Hello? Oh, ye of little faith and attention!
This encourages me to focus more on God.  He is speaking to us each day, we just aren’t listening.
I hope I’m not like the men on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-24.  They were walking with Jesus right beside them and they had no clue that it was Him! Yes, I did read in verse 16 where God had kept them from recognizing Him, but I want to see Him.
So, let’s resolve today to focus on God.  Open our ears to His teachings and our eyes to His wondrous works. Don’t let His Word go in one ear and out the other, and let’s not be so caught up in the mundane routine of life that we don’t even recognize Him when He is right beside us.
God is everywhere.  We need to open our eyes, put our God goggles on, and see His glorious work.
Revelation 13:9 (NLV), “You have ears! Then listen.”