There is power in The Son!

This morning I woke up an hour late and started wondering “How am I going to get all the things done this morning that I needed to get done before I leave for work? I have to wash Holly’s clothes (those clothes she needs for school today that she didn’t have clean at 11:00! last! night! Ugh!), bake cookies for the ladies retreat, pack for the retreat, make sure the house is picked up, and first things first…read my daily “Walk with God’ and journal. This doesn’t even include all the normal day-to-day-get-ready-for-work morning stuff.”  God probably just laughed and shook His head at me.
Well, He did it again.  He is helping me get all this done and I’ll probably have time to spare before I leave the house this morning.
Last night when I went to bed, for some reason I was thinking that I don’t have a main verse for the website.  I have so many favorite verses! How can I choose just one? When zipping through this morning’s reading, God threw one at me to get me started.  It comes from Judges 5:31, “…may all who love the Lord be like the sun when it rises in its strength.” Cool? I thought so.
I love the beauty, strength, grace, and peacefulness of the rising and setting sun. It is such a powerful demonstration of God’s love and freshness of a new day for us. Since I often say “I’m soaking up The Son in the sun” I think I’ll catch that verse that God threw my way this morning and let that be my first verse for
My prayer today is that you will love the Lord and be a strong light for Him.
Do you have a good verse for this site regarding “the sun”?  I would love for you to send it to me.  ThAnKs!
Have a blessed day! It’s FRIDAY!!!!!