This past weekend I was at my church’s ladies’ retreat.  We had a guest speaker, Angie Dennis, who mentioned a list of ten things we need to do before we go about our day each day.
1.     Thank God for a new day to make a difference for Him.
2.     Review your scripture.
3.     Confess any sin.
4.     Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you.
5.     Tell God that if He gives you an opportunity to share the Gospel today, you will do it.
6.     Ask God to teach you something about Himself.
7.     Pray over your car, cell phone, and computer.
8.     Ask God for His hedge of protection around your family.
9.     Give your lips to God.
10.  Ask God to reign on your day.
These are ten things that really don’t take any time at all to do.  Heck, by the time you decide to roll out of bed this list could be accomplished.
I almost daily do each of these already, but the second and third part of number seven is something that I don’t do but will start.  I’m not only thinking about my technological devices, but my family’s.  Oh the stuff kids read, see, and send now days via cell phones and computers.  Good grief!  I pray for their discernment in what they see and what they send.
This vividly reminded me of a time five years ago when my eldest son was in the fifth grade.  He started off internet searching the Buccaneer cheerleaders (after he went to a game and saw the girls dressed so, hmmmm, …. dressed that leaves little to one’s imagination.). That search led him to discovering some websites that a ten year old boy, or anyone for that matter, had any business seeing!  When I found out about his viewing and pulled up the ridiculous site my blood pressure went way way up. I closed out of the site and the darn thing kept popping up three to four more times.  I couldn’t escape the filth that was on the computer.  I believe he was in total shock and awe of what he saw too.  Boy oh boy did we have a “come to Jesus” meeting.
People, please pray over your technological devices and those of your loved ones.  Keep the filth out and the faith in.

Have peace about your day. Pray it up!