When it rains it pours.
Tim left to go out of town Monday morning.  Holly woke up regurgitating.  Hunter texted me, before my school started, needing to come home from school. (In his words, “I feel like crap.”) All this was on Monday.  Now it is Wednesday….Holly is STILL home and Cole woke up with pink-eye. Are you kidding me?

This is not red-eye in the photo, It is pink-eye in Cole.

I take it that God wanted me to stay home all week, but praise Him for grandparents.  Now, I must be home to take Cole to the doctor.  Praise Him again for great teacher friends who are splitting up my students each class period today (subs are hard to come by now days).
At least I’ll not only get to spend time with the kiddos, but I’ll get some stuff done around the house.
Romans 12:12, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”
I am hopeful that all this shall pass and joy will reign.  I am hoping my students are behaving so the teachers won’t lose their patience.  I am faithfully praying for all involved (grandparents, my children, Tim, students, teachers, etc.).
Apply God’s Word to your life.  It will make your day much more pleasant and calmer.