Last week I thought about a letter (a mini-book practically) I started writing to Hunter back over the New Year’s holiday.  The writing consists of life lessons on how to be a man, how to treat a girlfriend who may one day become your spouse, how to give a hand shake and look someone in the eye, college years, etc. I had already decided that I need to work on it some over the next couple of weeks and find the right scripture verse to go with certain topics. When I finish it, maybe I’ll post it as a journaling.  It’s not like Hunter reads my website anyhow, he’ll get a hard copy. If you have some good manly and godly advice you would like to share, maybe I’ll included it in a special edition. Hmmm, good idea.  Send me your advice too.
This morning when reading “Walking in the Word” I read about the death of David and what he had to say to his son Solomon before he passed away.  How perfect! God was really encouraging me to finish this letter for Hunter.  Here’s what God’s Word said in 1 Kings 2:2-3, and part of 4:

 “So be strong, act like a man, 3 and observe what the Lord your God requires: Walk in obedience to Him, and keep His decrees and commands, His laws and regulations, as written in the Law of Moses. Do this so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go…”

“…walk faithfully before Me with all their heart and soul…”

Love it!

  • Be strong
  • Act like a man
  • Observe what God says
  • Walk in obedience to Him
  • Keep God’s commands and His Word
  • Walk faithfully before God with ALL your heart and soul.

Good rules for all to live by.  Apply them to your life.
I can’t wait to see your advice.  I’m sure I’ll be doing the same thing for Holly soon, so if you have good godly advice for a young lady, bring it on.