Every time I read the story of Lazarus rising from the dead in John 11, I think about my dear friend and minister, Tommy Warnock, preaching on these verses years ago.  What a hoot.  Tommy always puts a twist on God’s Word (not taking anything away from The Truth, just shedding a new and often humorous light on it).
See in this story that God shares with us, Lazarus, the brother of Martha and Mary whom Jesus loved them all dearly, was dying. Word got to Jesus while Laz was sick to come to him and heal him.  Jesus knew that God’s glory was going to be shown through it all, and decided to wait a while before going to His friends. When He finally reached the town of Mary and Martha, both sisters had said to Him at different times, “If you had been here, he would not have died.” (Verses 21 and 32) Boy, do they had an even better miracle about to happen before their eyes.
Even though Jesus knew what was about to happen, emotions were all over the place.  Everyone was crying; Martha, Mary, the townspeople, and even Jesus.  This is where we find the shortest verse in the bible, John 11:35 says, “Jesus wept.” Christ was so deeply moved. Still God’s glory was going to be shown through all of this, so hang on.
When they finally reached Lazarus’ tomb, Jesus told them to roll the stone away. What happened next, I could so imagine Martha’s expression when she said, “Master, by this time there’s a stench. He’s been dead four days!” (v. 39) Now, last night I went to bed and left some dinner dishes in the sink. I was so tired. I needed that God strength I briefly wrote about yesterday. Anyhow, when I went into the kitchen this morning I could smell a slight odor.  If I were to leave it for four days, one might think I was conducting a science experiment and have to wear a gas mask. A dead body is even more magnified with the smell.  Martha’s response was so human.  “Jesus, are you serious? The smell will be nauseating to us all. It’s been four days! Yuck!” Well, God didn’t just work through people seeing miracles, but smelling the horrific stench too.
Here’s where Tommy’s message stays vividly in my mind…When Jesus told Lazarus to “Come out!” “The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.” (verses 43-44). Now picture this: A mummy like figure hobbling out of the tomb. Can you imagine the look on everyone’s face when they saw this wrapped corpse hopping out in plain view? That’s just a funny sight to me. This is the sight to bring God’s glory to all.  I bet the stench subsided too and a beautiful perfume-ic smell filled the air.
Also in today’s reading we read in Proverbs 15:11, “Even Death and Destructionhold no secrets from the Lord.  How much more does He know the human heart!” There are no secrets hidden from God, only from ourselves and others.  He knows your heart.  Let Him change it for the better.
God is still in the miracle making business. I’m sure we all have something a bit “stenchy” in our closet.  Listen to God’s voice calling you out.  Allow Him to turn your sin into pure beauty. Make your life a sweet smelling sacrifice for Him.

June 6