Did you hear.....

I find myself biting my tongue sometimes or inserting my foot into my mouth.  Which one is best? It’s better for me to hurt my tongue than to hurt someone else’s feelings or reputation.
In today’s reading it says, “Troublemakers are always causing problems. Their gossip breaks up the closest of friends.” Proverbs 16:28.
You’ve heard me say it before and it probably won’t be the last time either, but I see this so often working in a middle school. Heck, I just don’t see it there; I see it in the workplace, families, amongst friends, and even churches. Gossip is like an old kitchen sponge that hasn’t been washed out thoroughly and has been sitting for a while getting stanky. Gossip stinks!
Sometimes we think we have “good intentions” and telling someone to pray for someone else because of this or that.  If it isn’t your place to share it, then don’t.  Yes, it’s hard because we really think we are doing right by praying for them and having others to do the same, but always remember to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. If you told someone something in confidence and even asked them to pray about something, would you want them sharing that information with others?  Think before you speak.
I remember an acronym my former pastor mentioned in a sermon.  It goes like this:
T- Is it true?
H-Is it helpful?
I-Is it inspiring?
N-Is it necessary?
K-Is it kind?
If you answer no to any of the above, then don’t say anything.
I hope this helps you.  It was to for me.
Blessings to you.
Enjoy soaking up The Son in this hot summer sun.

June 30