The other day I decided to take a little stroll down the beach and find some shells. The colors scattered along the shore were beautiful!  I collected a few shells and thought to myself; okay…I really talked out loud to God because no one else was around, “I am holding almost every color of the rainbow in my hand.”  I started thinking about all the colors in the rainbow and said, “I need a blue shell. God, please give me a blue shell. A blue shell would be great!” God waited a few seconds, literally, and BAM! A blue shell.  I was so excited. I told Him thank you and kept saying, “God, you are so cool! I love my blue shell. You amaze me every day.” (As you can tell by now, God and I talk a lot on the beach. Well, maybe I talk and He just shows.) He wasn’t finished with just one blue shell.  He gave me multiples of blue shells.  When God gives you something you ask for, He goes beyond and blesses you more than you ever expected.
So my search for the rainbow colors continued.  I said, “Okay, God, you gave me a plethora of blue shells, I sure would like to see green.” As I’m scanning the sand for a green shell, I couldn’t find one. So I started making up a little tune, “Green, green, God give me green.” (Now you think I’ve lost my ever lovin’ mind right?) I turned around to look into the water and it was as if God lifted my head and said, “You want green, here you go.” As I glanced up towards the surface of the water, God showed me about six, really, shades of green.  It was as if He said, “You wanted green.  You didn’t say a green shell. So…enjoy.”
Matthew 7:7, “Keep asking, and it will be given to you.  Keep searching and you will find.
Now, I’m on a mission before I leave to collect a jar of only blue shells so I can remember the abundance God gives us when we ask.
(BTW, God did give me a tangible green…a green sea glass! I was so excited! Also, God did give me lots of blue shells too.. He’s so cool.  When I went to take them out of my bag for a picture after returning home, most of them had lost some of their “blueness”. Hmmm. Research for me to do on that one. Anyhow, I am blessed!)