Here's Cole following his daddy on the beach. We should follow our heavenly Father just the same.

Yesterday I wrote about a letter I’m writing to my eldest son about life’s rules and how to be a godly man. In 1 King 2:2-4 we read some great rules to live by that David gave to his son, Solomon, before he passed away.

Today, we read about some actions Solomon took that are again “some great rules to live by”.  Take a look:
Admit: “But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties.”  1 Kings 3:7

Okay, from what I read Solomon was probably in his twenties, no more than 30, when he became king. Remember how when you were young you thought your parents knew everything, and then when you were a teen you thought they knew nothing?  Well, Solomon must have been passed those teen years and now realizing “I know nothing”.

I think we must all admit that we don’t know it all, no matter the age, and we need help every day in all things. With God, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26)

So the first rule for the day is: Admit that you don’t know it all. Check.

Choose wisely: “So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong.”1 Kings 3:9 (NIV)
I LOVE how it reads in the Message translation:  “Here’s what I want: Give me a God-listening heart so I can lead your people well, discerning the difference between good and evil.”  1 Kings 3:9 (MSG)

Solomon could have asked for anything. I mean a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g. Fame, fortune, you name it he could have asked for it. But, what did Solomon ask for? He asked for a God-listening heart, discernment, and the ability to distinguish between right and wrong.

Remember, Solomon already admitted that he didn’t know it all.  Fame and fortune would not solve that problem. But what would? Those things he did ask for. That was a wise choice.

I pray for a “God-listening heart”. I want to be able to discern right from wrong. How I do that? By getting in His Word, praying, waiting, listening, and sticking close to God.

God’s reply:  “The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this. 11 So God said to him, “Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, 12 I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be. 13 Moreover, I will give you what you have not asked for—both wealth and honor —so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among kings. 14 And if you walk in obedience to me and keep my decrees and commands as David your father did, I will give you a long life.” 1 Kings 3:10-14.

Aha! Because Solomon chose wisely, he got a bonus. God was like, “Cool, kid. You are already wise for asking for what you did. So…here’s a little, well, okay, a lot more.  I’m giving you fortune, fame, and a long life. Just make sure you walk in My ways and not man’s.”

God is like that.  When we seek Him and walk in His ways, He blesses us beyond. Ephesians 3:20 says, “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us…” As Priscilla Shirer says in the bible study “Faithful Abundant True”, “God’s ‘way past’ (beyond) is beyond our ‘way past’ what He can do.”

Are you ready? Admit. Choose wisely. Wait for God’s reply.
Get busy living for Him.
Blessing to you!!

June 13