First of all….A day late and a dollar short, but Happy Father’s Day to all you dads.  I pray you will seek to be a man after God’s own heart.  Be a godly example for all the little and big eyes that see you.  I know I am blessed to have a wonderful dad, step-dad, and father-in-law who all love the Lord.  (I’d love to insert a photo here, but I’m on my iPad and it’s not allowing me to do so. Ugh.)
Now on with today’s journaling……Today’s scripture reading reminded me of a parent/child relationship. Checkout this outline and tell me if it doesn’t sound familiar:
*1 Kings 11:1-12:11
*v. 2, A reminder that the Israelites were told not to intermarry because “they” will surely turn your hearts after thier gods.
* v. 2b, King Solomon did it anyway.
*v. 3b-4, his intermarriage wives did lead him astray and turned his heart to other gods.
*v. 4b, Solomon was not “fully” devoted to God.
*v. 6, King Solomon did evil in the eyes of the Lord and didn’t follow Him completely.
*v. 9, God became angry because Solomon had turned away from Him.
*v. 11, Consequence from God – affects the next generation.
*v. 39, This was done to humble them.
Isn’t it so like us to:
*Do something our parents told us not to do?
*Allowed our peers to lead us down the wrong path?
*Had one foot with God and one foot in the world?
God wants us to follow Him completely, be fully devoted to Him.  When we do wrong, God hurts.  When we do wrong, there are going to be consequences.  The hard pill to swallow is that we may not see the full consequence of our actions, but it will affect our loved ones, our children.  Ouch!  I don’t want my kids paying for the wrongs I did. How selfish.
So, let’s read God’s Word and learn from the mistakes of others. What are we to learn?  Stay devoted to God.
Blessings to all.