“God does not show favoritism.” Acts 10:34
I may be going out on a limb here, but I bet most of us who have a sibling or two or more have thought at some point that our parents favored the other child.  Maybe it was you who was the favorite.
I remember thinking that my middle brother, Kenneth, was my mom’s favorite.  One time my brother’s said they thought I was because I was the only girl AND the baby of the family.  Did I have a specific reason and evidence of this thought of favoritism? No. Just a hunch.
Just the other day Holly said, “Cole is your favorite child.”  This of course was probably in the middle of her doing some type of “hard labor” around the house while Cole was not at that time. I reminded her that she most likely did not do some of the things she is now when she was his age. (With age, comes more responsibility.)  I laughed and disagreed with her.
Each child is so different.  Each child makes my heart smile in their own way.  Each child has their strength and weaknesses. I love each child.  Let’s see…Hunter is my first born. Check.  That’s a special quality right there.  Holly is my only girl.  Check.  There’s another one of a kind quality.  Cole is “the baby” of the bunch.  Check.  Of course that is a special quality too.
Honestly, I like each of my three at times, and I dislike them at times too. Serious.  There are times when they don’t like me too much either.  But one thing will not change and will always remain…I LOVE MY KIDS!
Hmmm, Hunter is my favorite guitar player who has always been very observant and has the natural ability to play and do any sport he so desires to do.  Since Hunter is getting older, I’ve noticed what a respectable young man he has become and so stinkin’ handsome.  We may call him “Word” because, like his daddy, is a man of few words.  Others tell me how funny he is at school and teachers tell me what a great personality he has.  Just a few months ago his former math teacher, who is a coworker of mine now, asked about him and wondered if he knew what he wanted to do when he grew up.  I told her that if it involved fishing and hunting, he’s all in, and mentioned how he’s said that he would like to have his own TV show about those two hobbies.  Her face lit up and said, “I can so see Hunter doing that!  He has the BEST personality.”  Really?  I told her his nickname we have for him and she continued to stand firm in thinking that he could so do that as a career one day.  Who knows, you may see my Hunter with his own hunting and fishing show one day. He just may even play his own intro tune for opening the show.  Oh, there you go, when the fish aren’t biting you can have a sing-a-long. (Okay, now I’m just being silly.)  Hunter will be successful at whatever he puts his mind to. He is a bright and capable young man.

Hunter doing what he loves.

Holly is my favorite free-spirited, stand firm girl who wants to, and probably will, travel the world one day.  I am so proud of the young woman she has become and how she stands strong in her beliefs.  Holly has a talent of creativity.  One of her talents is writing. (She’s not big on admitting it though.)  If you ask her what she will do with her life, she wants to study abroad and travel for a living.  Okay, study abroad for a semester is doable, traveling for a living….what about my grandbabies being close to me? Haha. We are so blessed to have the opportunity to travel through my husband’s company.  When a close friend discovered what Holly wants to do in the future she looks at me and says, “See what y’all have done? You’ve created this desire in her because you all never stay home.” I’ll take it.  If this moment in time that God has given us leads to Holly working for a travel company and writing about her adventures (And, by the way, have the company pay for her travels. Woohoo!), praise Him!

Holly, working her way to studying abroad. :0)

Cole is the one that Holly and Hunter say he will be the first one to be a millionaire.  He is such a kind and compassionate kid.  Cole is detailed and focused (sometimes).  I used to think he would end up in the medical field because he was the child that had metatarsus adductus, tubes in the ear, Tourette’s, etc. But now I tell him he would be a great building designer because of his attention to details and the construction of things.  He said, just yesterday, that he wants to own the construction/design company, not just be an employee, so he can make money.  Cole is the one who will quote you a bible verse and say “I love you” out of nowhere.  Sweetness.

Cole, enjoying soaking up some sun.

Whatever any of my children choose to do in life, I pray that they will seek and love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength.  I pray that they will prayerfully consider the plans that God has in store for them. If they do that, they will be successful at whatever they do.
Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,”
Ecclesiastes 9:10, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might,”
Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Is Kenneth really my mom’s favorite?  She would agree with what I am about to say.  Each of my children is my favorite.  I praise God each day for them and know that I need to cherish each moment I’m given with them while they are on loan to me here on earth.
Thank God that He doesn’t show favoritism.  He loves each of us and wants us all to love Him back.
Blessings to you.