Benham Falls

“Intelligent people choose their words carefully. Those who know what they are doing remain calm.” Proverbs 17:27.
I may not be the most “intelligent” person at times, but I believe that yesterday, God made me that way for a given situation.
When I read the above verse this morning, my mind went immediately to a “polite altercation” between me and a smiley strange lady yesterday.  We are out in gorgeous Sunriver, Oregon on vacation.  After the entire Shuff family went to explore Lava Butte along with our great friends, The Jones’, three out of five of the Shuff crew left to go back to the lodge so that Hunter could explore fly fishing areas, and Tim and Holly could enjoy the water park.  The rest of us, the Jones family, Cole, and I, did a little more exploring on our own.  We hiked to Benham (I think) Falls and journeyed unground through a mile long lava cave.
Well, while we were hiking the falls, Cole and Olivia (the eldest Jones girl) sprinted ahead to a one occupancy restroom.  I went a different route to meet up with them and missed the event that occurred.
While on the trail to see the rushing rapids at Benham Falls, a little lady, whom we had seen earlier with her husband and two grown boys, approached me politely smiling.  She asked if that was my little boy.  I wasn’t sure which “little boy” she was talking about because we have passed several families and Cole was not beside me at the time.  I said that I wasn’t sure and inquired a little more to see if it was indeed my boy she was questioning about, with a look of curiosity on my face. She said the one that was with a teenage girl.  Olivia piped in and said “Yes ma’am. He was with me.”  Well….then, as the lady continued to speak through her smiling face.  She informed me that I needed to teach my child how to knock on a door, because he was banging on the door and scared the living daylights out of her son. What?  Olivia, again, piped in (thank you, Olivia) and said, “Oh, I had gotten to the restroom first and knocked.  Someone said ‘what?’ so I stopped.  Cole then came and knocked nicely.  No one answered so he knocked harder.”  Seriously? was the look on my face.  I told the lady that I was sorry, but I guess he was just making sure no one was in there before he went in. I apologized and we hiked our separate ways. Ugh!
The whole thing really wasn’t that bad, but when people have a look of politeness on their face then they have a condescending tone in their voice, that perturbs me. Yes, it truly was a “I am better than you sweetie-pie, but I’m going to be nice about it” look and tone.
Did I want to say a few more words that I probably would have regretted? You bet! Don’t mess with my little boy, especially compared to her larger and much older son. But, God must have stepped in and gave me some “intelligence and calmness”, because my human side was bothered by the awkward conversation for a while.
“Intelligent people choose their words carefully. Those who know what they are doing remain calm.” Proverbs 17:27.
Okay, God probably gave her “intelligence and calmness” too, but I know He did for me.
We really do need to think before we speak and know when to say nothing at all.
Thanks for letting me vent a little. Now I’ve had my own “come to Jesus meeting” with myself and have asked for forgiveness on my part for my after-thoughts.
 “Keep your tongue from evil” Psalm 34:13
Have an intelligent and calming day.
Blessings to you all.

July 17