Enthusiasm without knowledge is no good; haste makes mistakes.Proverbs 19:2
I had to giggle when I read this verse today.  Oh how I’ve seen this applied in my life at different times.  Sometimes my enthusiasm for something gets the best of me.  Then when I start in on the project, “Uhhh, now what?” is the question that pops in my mind. 
What’s the old saying? Oh yea, “I put the cart before the horse.”  Please tell me I’m not the only one.  No, I don’t believe so.
Just this afternoon my son needed new windshield wipers for his vehicle.  So he asked Tim and me to purchase some for him while we were out running errands. (Yea, don’t you just love how “we parents” purchased the item for “his” truck. Hmmmm. Smart thinking, Hunter.)  Well, when we returned with the new wipers, his “enthusiasm” got the best of him.  He tore into the package (it looked simple enough), took the old wipers off, started to attach the new wipers, then he stopped me when I was walking by and said, “Mom, how do I put these on?”  Another, hmmmm moment… instructions maybe?  As soon as this event happened, Proverbs 19:2 came to mind. Luckily for Hunter, he stopped mid-enthusiasm and asked for help so a mistake would not occur.  I can just imagine it now…he would be driving down the road in the pouring rain, turn on the wipers, and SLING there goes the wiper into an oncoming car.  It’s a good thing that he realized he needed assistance.
Life happens. Agree?  We often want to get enthused about various events in our lives or the next path to take.  But, just remember, God gave us the greatest “life instruction” book ever!  If we open up the bible and follow it, learn from other’s mistakes, and seek His guidance on everything, our knowledge will grow and blunders will hopefully be minimal.
Go ahead and get enthusiastic, but read God’s directions first.
Blessings to you!
July 29, “Walking in the Word”