Ahhh, my heart has been lightened.  After writing the first journaling this morning, my heart felt heavy and prayerful.  When I went on to Facebook to upload the web address, I was happy to see that a friend had responded to an ongoing message that a group of us have going.  His words today said, “Oh…those days we spent in South Africa running from all the land sharks and killer spider monkeys…takes me back.”  Yes! I loved our trip to South Africa! I would go back in a heartbeat.
How appropriate that he wrote this today when in Psalm 104:20-21 it says,
You made darkness to be the night—
the time when wild animals come out and roam around.
21 Lions roar as they attack,
as if they are asking God for the food he gives them.

The lions! We were in Botswana for five days and took three jeep rides a day to take a glimpse of God’s amazing creation and animals in action.  I kept reminding myself, “This is NOT Busch Gardens”.  We hoped each morning to see the kings of the jungle.  Finally, on the last morning exploration, we came upon two male lions and one lioness, which they had been vying for her affection.  They had done they prowling at night, just like the bible says, and we got to witness this awesome animal before the sun rose.
Thanks, Dan, for lightening my heart.  Thanks, God, for you awesomeness and your creation that we get to enjoy.
Ahhh, happy times with fabulous friends!