
Today my two eldest brothers turn fifty-two years old. They were born identical. When they were growing up one way people would tell them apart was by the way they parted their hair. Kevin would part his hair on the right (five letters in his name and in the word right), and Mike the left (four letters in his name and the word left). They enjoyed playing tricks on teachers at school due to the identicalness, playing baseball, and being involved in the Future Farmers of America.
There were many things that Kevin and Mike agreed on, but one thing they did disagree on and still do today is their college football teams. Kevin was always a Florida State Seminole fan, and Mike attended the University of Florida and was a huge Gators fan. Rivals? You bet. It always made for an interesting sibling rivalry at our home during football season.
In today’s scripture reading Paul was back in Rome and he “explained and declared to a great number of people the kingdom of God and tried to convince them about Jesus from the Law of Moses and from the Prophets.” (Acts 28:23) In verse 24 we learned that “some were convinced by what he said, but others would not believe.”
There will always be beliefs, statements, and a multitude of issues that people will agree and disagree on. I may not like to eat liver, and you may love it. I am pro-life, you may be pro-choice. You may vote for one presidential candidate, and I another. But there is one thing I pray that you will agree with me on and that is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He was sent here to save us. He died for our sins, even before we were born, and He rose from the dead just as the bible said He would. He did all this so that we could one day be in heaven with Him.
Kevin and Mike may have disagreed about the football team they were going to cheer for, but they are both proud members of God’s team. Praise God!
I am so grateful to have such godly brothers who, much like Paul, are not ashamed to share God’s love and story with others. They have always been a huge influence in my life.
I love my brothers and I love my God!
Birthday blessings to Kevin and Mike. I love you both!
