
Wow! Today was another awesome day of reading in God’s word.  In each of the four sections I could think of a something on my heart to journal about.  I need to just stay home from work (just my second day back) and write with God all day.  Oh, okay, to work I must go, but I sure hope God allows me time to write about them, if that is what He wants me to do.
Speaking of what He wants me to do…I have a prayer request for you to pray with me about.  I have mentioned before that I went to Guatemala last October.  Loved it!!!  When my group decided to go back again this October, I was all in.  I have applied for the trip and was accepted. For some reason I have yet to put down my deposit.  For the past couple of weeks this mission trip has been on my mind, but not in an excited way.  “I” am ready.  “I” would go in a heartbeat to wherever “I” feel led.  But…does God want me to go at this time?
In today’s reading in Romans it talks about the flesh and the spirit.  My flesh is willing to hop on the plane and adventure back to Guat, but is my spirit telling me something different? I don’t know!
I finally verbalized it to Tim and a friend last night.  I was seeking out for others to pray with me.
There are many pros to going and a few cons.  I want to feel complete peace about this trip.
In Proverbs 20:5 I read, “Knowing what is right is like deep water in the heart; a wise person draws from the well within.”  Yes! I want to know what is the right thing to do according to God, not Stephanie’s plan.  I need to pray and seek deep within my heart.  A drink of wise water is needed.  I feel like a battle is going on inside of me regarding this trip that I’ve longed to go on, and it shouldn’t be this way.
Will you pray with me and for me about this decision?  I know I have plenty of people telling me and wanting me to go, and I have others who are indifferent to it all.  I could seek man’s approval all day, but the approval I truly need is God’s.
Thanks for praying.  Sounds like I need to do a “prostrate prayer” like I wrote about yesterday.
Blessings to you all!
August 14, “Walking in the Word”