No "weigh"!

FINALLY!  There’s a verse to show the doctors when I go get my physical.  I knew it!  See, look at Proverbs 20:23b:  “It is wrong to use scales that are not accurate.”  When I hop on the scales to determine my weight, it’s usually a little higher number than I thought it should be.  Now, I can tell the nurse, “No, no.  Dishonest scales do not please God.”
Okay, so maybe that’s no really what that verse is talking about.  Let’s see the entire verse:
“The LORD hates for people to use the wrong weights to cheat others. It is wrong to use scales that are not accurate.”  Proverbs 20:23.
LBR (Let’s Be Real, in “texting” terminology), no, really, that’s the point.  Be honest.  Be honest in your place of business.  I think about the gas prices right now and how they differ from city to city, station to station, etc..  How ridiculous!  Simple examples like this.
So the next time you are selling or dealing with any type of exchange with goods and services, please don’t cheat others.  Please God and be honest.
Blessings to you!

August 20, “Walking in the Word”