Teaching is a rewarding job.  I love seeing those moments of “Ahaness” on the students’ faces when they discover something new.
This past week I gave a homework assignment that I knew we hadn’t discussed much in class.  We started off the week by learning multiplying fractions and analyzing word problems and solving them.  So when I gave them a page on drawing a diagram to solve a problem, it was a little foreign to the kids.  I had even prefaced it by stating that this may be something different for them, but challenge yourself, look back at the “reteaching” page and study how the book went step by step to diagram a problem.
That night I had received a Facebook message from a parent asking a question about the homework. Some students came in the classroom the next day talking about how that page was hard, or they didn’t quite understand it, or my mom or dad tried, but we don’t know if it’s right, etc.  One girl even sat down and said, “Mrs. Shuff, you hadn’t taught us how to do this yet.” Each time I would give them some type of reassuring answer. I had a plan and a reason in mind.
Once class had begun and it was time to go over the homework, I stated how “Yes, this assignment was difficult for most.  It was one that made you think outside-of-the-box.  I wanted to challenge you to try something new.  Now, let’s break it down and discover how to do this.”  The looks on their faces were somewhat of either question, frustration, or “let’s do this”.  I loved how while I was deciphering each of the three problems and demonstrating how to solve them, the students’ faces would change.  The wrinkle between the eyes would smooth out, the eyebrows would raise in approval, some lips would pooch out with a head nod of “I’m getting this”, and then there were a couple who still were lost.  Some children would even whisper, “Ahh” confirming that they see the light.  There were many moments of “Ahaness” in class that day.  I loved it!  Were the kids challenged? Yes.  Did they step out of their comfort zone to try something new? Yes.  Did they grow in knowledge and hopefully have the confidence to discover something new another time?  I believe for most, yes.
This morning in Ecclesiastes 8:1b it so reminded me of that experience on the homework assignment.  It says, “A person’s wisdom brightens their face and changes its hard appearance.”  That is one of the many reasons why I love to teach.  When you see the appearance of one’s confused face change through the learning process, it is gratifying.
Challenge yourself in growing your knowledge with God.  Understanding the bible and the many lessons can be confusing.  But rests assure that if you stick with it, you will have many moments of Ahaness.
Jump into a bible study.  Start reading the bible through in a year.  Don’t only attend your Sunday school class, but actually read your lesson ahead of time to enhance the lesson and your knowledge.  Whatever you do, GROW in Christ.
Blessings to you!
September 15, “Walking in the Word”