While I was sitting in my comfy chair reading God’s word yesterday morning, I looked out the window and could tell that it was an overcast morning. Soon sprinkles from the sky started to patter down on the ground.  Then, the patter became a pounding.  I checked out the weather on the local radar and saw that it was going to be a day of saturation.
The time came to start waking everyone up to get ready for church.  I went up to Holly’s room to have her rise and shine.  She had heard the heavy rain and thunder and said as she was snuggled up in her comforter, “It’s pouring.  Are we going to church?”  I replied, “Just because it’s raining doesn’t mean church has been canceled.”
Soon, everyone was awake and ready to go.  God had stopped the rain long enough for us all to get into the truck without getting drenched.
It would have been so easy to sleep in and stay snuggled up under the covers on that rainy morning.  But boy am I grateful that God got our booties to church.
Our Sunday school class was a time of great growing in the Lord and fellowship with friends.  It was like the “pattering” of the rain this morning, peaceful and needed.  Then came the “pounding” when we were in our church service.  The music was powerful.  Each song had me dancing (as much as a Baptist can) in my seat.  My hands couldn’t stay at my side.  As my Savior was lifted up through song, so were my hands.  My preacher, Pastor Michael Lewis, is preaching a sermon series titled “Living on a Mountain; A study of our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount” from Matthew 5-7.  God reigned through the message as Pastor Lewis talked about “The source of a new heart, and the sadness of an old heart”.  We all were in church having a heart transplant.  I’ve always heard how going to church and worshiping God was like good medicine.  This day was a day of surgery for some.
In this morning’s “Walking in the Word” we read about “good order in worship” in 1 Corinthians 14:26-15:11.  It reminded me of the church service yesterday.  Did we have “good order” at Plant City’s First Baptist Church?  You bet!
I am grateful that I have a church home where God’s word is taught, preached, and believed.  I appreciate the talent we have through the musicians who start us in worship each Sunday so beautifully.  I love how we greet others with a friendly handshake and lots of hugs. I feel blessed to have the opportunity to worship freely with my family and am encouraged to grow closer to God. I am humbled by and indebted to my pastor for the challenge he brings to us each Sunday as we strive to be more like Christ.
Do you have a church home that does all that for you?  I pray that you do.  If not, seek out a church that you can call home.  If you live near Plant City, we’d love to have you come and worship with us.
Blessings to you.
September 10, “Walking in the Word”