What’s the name of this site?  Soaking Up The Son.
What phrase did I start saying years ago while my toes were in the sand enjoying God’s creation?  “I’m soaking up The Son in the sun.”
Who is to be praise?  The Lord God Almighty!
What verse did He share with me this morning?  Psalms 113:3, “From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.”
Who created the heaven and the earth, the darkness and the light, you and me and all the creatures on land and in the sea?  Our heavenly Father, The Creator of the universe, The Great I Am, God!
What should we do all day?  PRASIE HIS NAME!
Praise Him! Honor Him! Bring Glory to Him! Soak Him up and share His love from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets.
As I sit here waiting for the sun to rise this morning, I thought about how we shouldn’t wait for the sun to rise to praise Him, The Son has risen! We should be praising Him all day and night. 
If you need a little “sunrise or sunset” to picture throughout the night so you will remember to praise our great God, I added just a few that I’ve taken this year for you to enjoy. Just a few. J 
Do you have a sunrise or sunset picture you can share with me?  I’d love to see it and hopefully create an album of them.  Just send it my way and let me know where it was taken.  How many sunrise/sets can we get from all over the world?  Let’s do this!
Blessings to you.
September 28, “Walking in the Word”