Do you worry about how you look?  Is your hair in style, should you wear makeup or not & what kind, or are your clothes the “in” brand?
What about the vehicle you drive?  Does it matter what color it is, how big the tires are, or how fast it will go?
Do you often hold back on doing something you truly desire to do, but don’t because you are afraid of what others will think of you?
Do you associate yourself with a certain group of people because they are “cool”?
Are you passing up a bargain at a discount store because you don’t want people to see you walking into that type of store?
Oh, what about the music you listen to?  Are you in to rap or rock music, but God-forbid you are caught listening to Christian rap rock songs because no one knows them?
This list could go in a variety of different ways and on forever.  Trust me, I’ve been there, done that, and still have some tendencies at times.  But think about it…who really cares?  Who are you trying to impress?  If you do all you do for the applause of others, whew…that is exhausting and time consuming.  Hey, they are still going to talk about you at some point anyhow.  Seriously. I’m just sayin’.
I see this so much in middle school and the mother of two high-school students. I remember when.  I was there at one point in my life too, sometimes still there.  Even when we grow older, many people still try to impress others.  It tires me just thinking about it.
Here’s a quick example from one of the above questions:  I remember a few years ago I was going into a local discount store to buy some ingredients for a recipe. My friend asked, “You go there?  What does Tim say about that?”  “Ha!” I laughed and said, “Tim would be thrilled that I am saving him money.  Really, he’s fine with it.”
Even though you didn’t ask for some advice, I’m going to give it to you anyhow…Don’t worry yourself with impressing others.  The only One you need to impress is God.  Is He happy with you, your looks, the clothes you wear, the things you do to keep yourself entertained, etc.? Then if so…GREAT!  Hold your head up high and know that you’ve put a smile on God’s face.
When we learn to live for Christ and Him alone, the stress of worrying about what others think become less troublesome.
When others see you living happily for God, they will want what you have…peace that passes all understanding.
Live for God!
“Now do you think I am trying to make people accept me? No, God is the one I am trying to please. Am I trying to please people? If I wanted to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Galations 1:10
Blessings to you.

  September 25