I thought this was a cool pic how all you can really see in me is the sunlight and a smile. Let The Son's light shine through you.

Can I get an “Amen!”? 
The other night I was waiting on Holly to get out of the dressing room at a department store.  I looked up at the greater than life size pictures of the teen models wearing the latest fashion.  While I was observing the clothes the three girls were modeling I thought to myself, “They look like they got their clothing style influence from a street-walker.”  Really!  The skirt was so short, I felt like a perverted boy who was trying to see up a girl’s skirt. The shirts were short or tight or too revealing.  The fishnet stockings that were underneath one of the other model’s tiny skirt and mixed-matched top fit right in to the scene where they had photographed the models…out on the street in a metropolis area.  Yet, their expressions were of laughter and freedom.  All that type of look is going to get them in the long run is sadness and bondage.
What you wear expresses who you are.
I can easily recall a time in my young adult life when a friend commented me on my figure and said that I should show it off a little more.  So she helped me accentuate my body by dressing a little more revealing.  It wasn’t that drastic, but I could tell that my husband totally thought it was sexy which meant others would too.  After a brief stint of dressing in a non-modest way when we would go out, I got convicted.  It was not a real human crime, but a crime against God.  He convicted me about how my dressing may be causing others to stumble and how I was portraying myself to all. (I’ll save the “sexiness” for my man alone.)
I see women with definitely more womanly figures than I have and I want to rush over and put a blanket on them and tell them to “Please cover up.”  Young girls are emulating these looks so they can feel desirable and attractive to others. Ugh!  That’s not the type of desirability and attractiveness you need to portray.
In this morning’s “Walking in the Word” I read 1 Timothy 2:9-10 and it says, “And I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes. 10 For women who claim to be devoted to God should make themselves attractive by the good things they do.”
 I like how The Message and Easy-to-Read translations put these two verses:

“I want the women to make themselves attractive in the right way. Their clothes should be sensible and appropriate.” (ERV) verse 9a

 “…doing something beautiful for God and becoming beautiful doing it.” (The Message) verse 10b

What’s wrong with that? Nothing!  Be attractive in the right way.  You can still be cute and fashionable.  Just be modest! 
If you are a Christian woman, you need to be loyal to God.  I love The Message in verse 10b.  It’s worth repeating again:  “…doing something beautiful for God and becoming beautiful doing it.”  That should be posted on every mirror for sure.  When we do for God, His beauty (that is more gorgeous than we could ever imagine) will shine through and make us beautiful.
Have a beautiful day being beautiful for God.
Blessings to you.

October 25, “Walking in the Word”