Soaking Up The Son
Let’s continue “Soaking Up The Son”

Inhale slowly. Exhale.  Inhale through your nose.  Exhale through your mouth.  Breathe in while counting to four.  Breathe out while counting to four.  Continue taking deep breaths.
You’ve got it!  You’re breathing!  You’re alive!  This is something we do daily.  If we don’t…we die.
Didn’t it feel peaceful when you were inhaling and exhaling slowly?  I know it calms me down and makes me feel serene.
Well, I’m not sure what your aroma is while taking in those deep breaths (Mine, this morning, is the smell of homemade pumpkin bread baking in my oven. Mmmmmm.), but throughout the bible we read about how sacrifices to God are a sweet aroma to God.  But breathing in His Word is a sweet aroma for us.
In today’s “Walking in the Word” I read 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”  Amen! When we read our bible, we are inhaling God’s breath.  Just don’t forget to exhale.  Share His graciousness, love, mercy, and salvation with others.
Got breath?
Go read God’s Word. Inhale.  Exhale.  Breathe in and out slowly.  You’ll definitely feel peace when breathing in God’s breath.
Here’s the same song by two different, yet both fabulous, artist.  “Breathe”. Take the time to listen and soak Him up. Michael W. Smith Rebecca St. James
Blessings to you!
October 31, “Walking in the Word”
Jeremiah 36:27-38:28
2 Timothy 2:22-3:17
Psalm 119:82-88
Proverbs 26:4-6