We go through life each day having to make decisions that are often mundane and unimportant.  There are decisions that are significant and affect not only ourselves, but others around us.  Every step we take is a choice.  We have a choice to do what is right or what is wrong.  What really matters?
When Paul prayed to the all believers, elders, and deacons in Philippi in Philippians 1, I believe that he was praying for us believers today. Like I mentioned in October 2nd journaling, “but I’m going to claim that he was praying directly for me.”  Read this:
Philippians 1:9-11
9 This is my prayer for you:
that your love will grow more and more; that you will have knowledge and understanding with your love; 10 that you will see the difference between what is important and what is not and choose what is important; that you will be pure and blameless for the coming of Christ; 11 that your life will be full of the many good works that are produced by Jesus Christ to bring glory and praise to God.”
Beautiful!  In the NLT verse 10 states, “For I want you to understand what really matters…”
This morning I was caught up in the beauty of the prayer and acknowledging each point, then the phrase “understand what really matters” stuck out to me.  As I continued reading Philippians I discovered (as if I didn’t already know) what really matters.   Verses 17-18 says, “But those others tell about Christ because of their selfish ambition. Their reason for doing it is wrong. They only do it because they think it will make trouble for me in prison. 18 But that doesn’t matter. What is important is that they are telling people about Christ, whether they are sincere or not. So I am glad they are doing it.”   News flash….The spreading of the Gospel of Christ REALLY MATTERS.
Then further down in verses 20b-21a we read, “It doesn’t matter whether I live or die. 21 To me, the only important thing about living is Christ. My life is but dust in the wind. I live, and then I will die.  What REALLY MATTERS is how we live our lives for Christ.
But what, I’m not finished yet.  After reading Philippians, I turned to the “Walking in the Word” scripture in Isaiah.  The theme of what REALLY MATTERS continues.  Isaiah 51:6 mentions that “salvation lasts forever.”  I’ll take that is something that REALLY MATTERS.  And little further down in verse 8 I read, “righteousness (God’s goodness) will last forever.”  Can I get an “Amen”? God’s goodness REALLY MATTERS.
So let us recap what REALLY MATTERS in life:

  • Sharing The Gospel of Jesus Christ with others,
  • Living for Christ,
  • One’s salvation, and
  • God’s goodness

I pray that your life and mine will be centered on what REALLY MATTERS.  When it is centered on Christ, everything else in our life will work out just fine.
Blessings to you.

October 9, “Walking in the Word”