Sweet treats! I love my sweets.  I remember when I was growing up my family went to a restaurant that used to be in our town, Golden Corral.  You would go through the buffet line for your meal.  But I would find myself wondering over to the dessert cart first to enjoy a delicious dish of chocolate pudding BEFORE I had my main meal. Mmmm. I still do indulge in a little dessert sometimes before the main course, but the older I get; the more my body does not appreciate it.
Well, actually, maybe my taste for sweets first thing hasn’t changed that much.  It’s just now my sweet treat is like David’s in Psalm 119:103.  He said, “How sweet Your words taste to me; they are sweeter than honey.”  Amen! 
God’s words are like an appetizer in the morning, a soup or salad for a mid-morning snack, the main meal later in the day, and a dessert to top it all off before heading to bed.
God’s word is delicious!  “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalm 34:8. He is! He is! He is the sweetest treat you’ll ever have.
Have you enjoyed a sweet treat today?
Blessings to you!