Little children are precious.  I’ve taught children’s Sunday school, choir, and VBS, and assisted my children’s pastor in Children’s Church.  To see and hear about God through a child’s view just puts a smile on my face and in my heart.
Last Sunday, after church, I was walking to my car.  I saw a mother walking with her two children.  The little girl, who looked to be about three or four years of age, was rattling on about God.  I overheard her telling her mother that God is omnipresent. One could hear the amazement in the mother’s voice of hearing such an intelligent word come out of her daughter’s mouth, as she probed, “What is that?”  The chatty girl, prancing in her Sunday best dress, said “The means that God is everywhere, all the time.”  The little girl proceeded in her conversation and told her that God is omnipotent also, meaning that He is all-powerful.  She was so proud to have learned those “big words” in Sunday school
I was reminded of this priceless scene when I read Psalm 139:7-12 this morning.  It says:
“Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,”
12 even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.

You’ve heard the saying, “You can run, but you can’t hide.”  Well this is so true of you and God.  Even when we try, like Jonah, to run the other way that God is leading us to go, He’s watching us.
I’ve use the analogy before of playing hide-n-seek with God.  Trust me, He wins every time.
He is like that little girl said, “God is omnipresent.”  He sees everything that we do.
When I was a little girl in Sunday school, I learned about that same big word.  I believe knowing that God is omnipresent has kept me out of a lot of trouble.  There were times when I was tempted to do something, thinking that I wouldn’t get caught, but just knowing that God is watching me all the time and that He can see me wherever I go, stopped me in my tracks and I didn’t go through with whatever I was tempted to do.
It is true, “You can run, but you can’t hide….from God!”
Blessings to you.

December 9