My in-laws..walking the beach last summer.

Have you ever had a “pity party” for yourself?  I sure have.  There have been times when “mommy” wanted to get away from it all, for some reason or another, and just wanna cry or sulk or whatever I felt like doing…alone.  Call it the blues, self-pity, or whatever.  It didn’t take long to realize that I’ve got life pretty stinkin’ good and I just need to just put my big girl pants on and deal with it. 
About ten years ago my father-in-law was in an automobile accident.  His truck was much larger than the two other vehicles involved.  He was hit from the back side which pushed his truck into a car in front of him.  When we saw his truck, it didn’t look like it was that bad of an accident.  But the Mr. Shuff’s body sure took its toll.  Time passed, doctors visits came and went, and then back surgery occurred.  Then, his back really did take a turn for the worse.  But no matter what type of pain he was in, he persevered and always was on the lookout to help others worse off, or not even physically injured. There would be times when he would be flat on his back, but he would always “suck it up” and put other’s needs above his. I’ve always admired his faith and stamina for God.  He kept his eye on the prize (God) and went out and became an even better witness for God than before.  Mr. Shuff could have often wanted to escape and get away from it all, but he didn’t.  His faith and testimony grew, and his body is slowly becoming stronger each day as well.  Praise God.  I am blessed to have such a godly man as my father-in-law.
When I read Matthew 14:13-14 I paused and thought about how Jesus just wanted to get away from it all.  It says, “When Jesus heard what had happened (the beheading of his cousin, John the Baptist), he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed him on foot from the towns. 14 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.”
Jesus tried to get away.  Maybe He did want to have a “pity-party”. I can imagine that as He was on the boat His mind was just dazed and focused on John. Maybe His eyes were filled with tears and His vision became slightly blurred. Then, all of a sudden, Christ looked up and realized that, “Wow!  I’ve lost my best friend, but I know I will see him again.  Look at all these hurting people.  Let’s put my sadness aside and heal those who are truly lost and suffering.”
Sometimes in life we may go through a time of “pitiness”.  Or maybe God has us “flat on our back” and we have nowhere else to look but up to Him.  Whatever our situation may be, I hope that you can persevere and become stronger in your faith.  There are others out in this world that needs a healing, possibly a healing of the heart.  Take a look around.  You may not have to look very far.  Will you “put your big girl or big boy pants on” and be a servant?
Prayer:  “Lord, I am blessed.  Thank You!  I want to be Your servant and help others. Help me to not to be selfish, but selfless. Use me, Lord.  Amen.”
Blessings to all.
January 22