Psalm 17:6, I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God.” Did you get that?  God will answer your prayer. 
Exodus 1:23-25, “Years passed, and the king of Egypt died. But the Israelites continued to groan under their burden of slavery. They cried out for help, and their cry rose up to God. 24 God heard their groaning, and he remembered his covenant promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 25 He looked down on the people of Israel and knew it was time to act.”Did you get that? God will answer, in His time.  His reply may be “Yes”, “No”, or “Wait”, but He will answer at the right time.
This past Sunday my pastor preached on prayer.  Here are the sermon notes:

“Get in the Game by the Strategic Game-plan of Prayer”

Jeremiah 33: 1-3

1. Prayer is Settled Dependence on the Lord.
a. Prayer is Expected by the Lord.
b. Prayer is Communication with the Lord.
c. Prayer is Abiding in the Lord.
John 15:7-8, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”
2. Prayer is Sure Anticipation of the Lord’s Response.  (He will answer.)  Psalm 65:2, “You who answer prayer, to you all people will come.”  James 4:2, “You do not have because you do not ask God.
How does He answer?:
a. YES” – A DirectAnswer.
b. “NO” – A DeniedAnswer.
c. “WAIT” – A Delayed Answer.
He wants to give it to us when it is best.  “Waiting time is not wasted time.”
3. Prayer is Supernatural Expectation of the Lord’s Power.
a. Expect the Display of Supernatural Might. (Great things)
b. Expect the Supernatural Display of His Mystery. (Unsearchable things)
Deuteronomy 29:29,The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.”
Pray and believe.
I am a huge believer in prayer, and I know that God will answer in His time.  Let’s get on the bandwagon….”Keep calm and Pray on!
Blessings to you.

January 29