Talk about some truth serum!  I just read Numbers 5:11-31 subtitled “The Test for an Unfaithful Wife”   or “Jealous Husbands”. Whew!
Usually in the bible one reads about the deeds of the unfaithful man with a prostitute, concubine, or just someone other than his wife.  I’ll jokingly, yet seriously, read those aloud to my man, and he usually says, “Hey, what about the wife.  You better be good too.”  Well, Tim, here’s some verses you’ll be glad I’m reading.
In this section of Numbers it mentions how the wife must drink some holy water. If she is lying or has been unfaithful she will become cursed and not able to have children.  And if she is pregnant, she will miscarry at that time.  But….if she is faithful to her man then all is well and she moves on.
Either way, I’m thinking…humiliation.  Everyone would know if you’ve been cursed, or on the other hand that you’ve given your husband reason to be jealous and you had to go to the priest.  This woman would be the talk of the town.
Ladies, and gentlemen, do yourselves and your spouse a favor…be faithful and don’t give them any reason to doubt you!  Display your love for one another and be honest with each other.  Communicate, hold one another, and live, love, and laugh together.
Save yourself, your spouse, and your family the humiliation and be true to your spouse. 
God wants us to be true to Him too.  Do it!
Blessings to you.
March 11