I’m so physically getting Mark 14:32-42 right now.  Did the time change for Daylight Savings time, or was spring break over and it was time to go back to work or school?  Peter, James, and John had the simple task of staying in a specified location and keeping watch while Jesus prayed.  What happened?  They kept falling asleep.
That’s me this morning.  Spring Break is over. No more sleeping in and enjoying snuggling up in bed.  Also this past week, the time changed.  It always takes my body a couple of days to get adjusted.  I love the fact that it doesn’t get dark right when I come home from work, but when I’m up and it’s still dark for quite some time…I wanna sleep!
So, this morning I was living the moment of James, John, and Peter when in verse 40 Jesus came back and found them sleeping again!  Their eyes were heavy.  My eyes have wanted to close and stay closed a couple of times this morning while reading God’s word. 
Well, I didn’t fall asleep.  But when it was time to wake up Holly I curled up beside her and God gave me precious words to pray over her this morning.  Oh how I hope she felt that prayer. It was as if His words were keeping me awake.  (Thank You, God, for the sweet jolt of alertness You gave me.)
Now it is time to get this day rockin’ and I’m grateful that God had me start it off with Him, even if I wanted to curl up in my down comforter and go back to sleep.  He has other plans for me and I believe I’ll choose His way.  Mine would probably get me into trouble with my boss. J
Good day to you!  Keep your eyes open and focused on God.  He’ll give you the strength you need to make it through your day.
Blessings to you.

March 18

Okay, well… my computer must have been in “sleepy mode” too this morning, so I didn’t get to publish this journaling until I got to school.  When I just sat down to wake up  my home computer I notice that this journaling is still considered a “draft”.   So some of you may be receiving it twice via email, yet slightly revised.  Sorry  
I must say…this chick was given strength from God today.  Now it is 6:30 and I’ve already enjoyed dinner, gotten a shower, and am ready for bed.  Guess who’s turning in early tonight?  Have a great evening.