When I read Proverbs 11:19-21 I can’t help but think of the scene that is in front of me on the news that has been unfolding over the past few days…the horrific bombing in Boston.
I’ve been glued to the news.  Prayers are uplifted, tears have been shed, and hope is evident.  Yes, there is always hope.  Hope for renewal in the community, hope for lives to be forever changed and strengthened, and hope that the perpetrator of the bombing will be brought to justice.
These verses say:  “Godly people find life; evil people find death. The Lord detests people with crooked hearts, but he delights in those with integrity. Evil people will surely be punished, but the children of the godly will go free.”
From what I can gather, and it appears quite obvious, that anyone who could do such a damaging thing is an evil person, with a crooked heart, and is without The One True God in their life.  Will this person or persons be punished?  Yes.  God will not let this stone be unturned.  God loathes this behavior and He will bring justice to this individual or group in the end.  Whether the justice will be served here on earth, we don’t know, but hope so.  Justice may be dealt when this life ends and eternity has begun.
I commend the citizens and emergency personal in Boston and the nearby communities.  They have displayed great endurance, patience, and cooperation. 
Blessings to all.
April 19