Okay, it’s very simple.  When you are kind, you’ll end up happy and satisfied when all is said and done.  But, when you are malicious, watch out, “Danger, Danger, Will Robinson.”
If you remember watching the 1960’s tv show, “Lost in Space”, or have seen its reruns, the above saying occurs when “The Robot, acting as a surrogate guardian, says this to young Will Robinson when the boy is unaware of an impending threat. In everyday use, the phrase warns someone that they are about to make a mistake or that they are overlooking something.” (the sentence was borrowed from Wikipedia)
Well, when you are mean, let this be your warning that nothing good will come out of it.
 Don’t just take it from me and “The Robot” but God’s word says,  “People who are kind will be rewarded for their kindness, but cruel people will be rewarded with trouble.” Proverbs 11:17
Here’s another catchphrase for ya, “Be kind and rewind.”  Rewind all the meanness in you, and be kind to others. 
Blessings to you.

  April 18