I may be smiling in this picture, but boy oh boy was it a night to remember. I was NOT the leader I should have been. (circa 1986...Big Hair!)

For some people it is easy to be a follower.  They may not necessarily be following someone or the right path that is best for them, but they are content with NOT leading.
There are some of us who have no problem taking a leadership position, and may even have an issue with relinquishing control.
I remember when I was young I used to show steers.  Steers are castrated male cows, for those of you who are what Phil Robertson calls “city folk”.  You could definitely tell a difference in the steers that I worked with, and those I didn’t. 
The steer that I would work with daily, may not have wanted to be led around at first, but in due time he followed with grace.  It would take a lot of time to feed, care for, bathe, brush, clean the stalls (Yuck!), and practice walking the steer around.  But the reward and satisfaction in the end was well worth it.  I felt proud of the job I did.
Then….I clearly remember my senior year in high school.  I did not spend a lot of time with my animal.  Being busy socially was more important to me that year, and boy did it show come time to show and sale my steer.   I was parading my steer around the rink, wait let me change that, my steer was parading ME around the rink the night of the sale.  I was so humiliated.  I definitely learned a lesson in responsibility and discipline that year.
Let’s take a spiritual lesson from this as well.  In Luke 9:23 it says, “Then He said to them all: ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.’” Here’s The Message translation, “Then He told them what they could expect for themselves: ‘Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat—I am.’”  Being a Christ follower is a daily discipline and joy.  When we allow Christ to walk with us daily and feed us through His word, we will eventually follow Him with grace and gratitude.  When we want to continue to do things “our” way and not God’s way, watch out for some humiliation at some point.  It will happen and our satisfaction will be short lived.
News flash…it’s not about you!  It’s all about Him!  Relinquish control and follow Christ and Christ alone!
Blessings to you.
April 11