Today is National Day of Prayer.
Prayer is you talking to God.
For me…prayer is an all-day thing.  God often wakes me up early, so I just assume He wants me to talk to Him.  He’s so precious.  He wants to spend time with me. Even when there are those days when I wake up like 1 ½ hours before my alarm is to go off, at first I’m like “Really God?  Really?  Now?”  But then, He has a way of gently saying, “Yes, sweet child of Mine.  Now.”
For me…prayer happens before I drive away in my car, before I eat a meal, before I make a decision, before, before, before anything, God must be a part of it.
For me…prayer is something I do for others.  Just last week a teacher at school, whom I rarely see because we are on opposite ends of the school and teach totally different grades and subjects, approached me when I was signing in and said, “Mrs. Shuff, I need you to pray for me.”  She proceeded to tell me things that were going on in her life for me to pray about.  “Wow!”  I walked away from her, after giving her a hug and assuring her that I would pray for her, saying “Thank You, God!  Thank You for the opportunity to be a witness to others.  Just knowing that you had me here today and just the right time blesses me.  Thank You that you use me as Your vessel.”  I did pray for her, and continued to do so through the weekend.  She came up to me on Monday and said, “Thank you!  I know you prayed.  I could feel it because…..”
For me…prayer gives me the opportunity to lay it all on the line between me and God.  I chat with Him, and when I’m still, I feel like I can hear Him too.  No, it’s not an audible thing for me, but His presence is evident.
For me…prayer is an offering of praise and thanksgiving.  It is a petition for God to take my worries away.  And He does.  Praying is a time to ask for forgiveness.  And I need it.
For me…I couldn’t imagine making it through the day without communicating with God.
Prayer…it works.
Prayer….is powerful!
Prayer…is like the air I breathe.  It is needed.
What is prayer for you?