Well, I reckon God gives me life examples to go with His Word any time during the night.
Cole woke up around one o’clock in the morning not feeling well.  For the next two hours, his bed became a sleeping bag and pillow on the floor in the bathroom.
He knew that if he would just throw up (sorry, weak stomach folks) that he would feel so much better.  But he would psyche himself out and not go through with it.
Finally around 2:45 am, he went for it.  I believe that everything he had eaten that day and the day before all projected out of his body.
He ceaselessly rinsed his nasty tasting mouth out with water, mouthwash, and toothpaste.
When all was said and done, he picked up his pillow, started heading to his bedroom, and with a brighter look on his face he said, “Whew, I’m glad that is over.”
Priceless!  You know God just laid a devotional out there for me.
Immediately, well…sleepily-instantaneously, God brought to my mind how when it comes to our sinful life, we aren’t that different from Cole’s episode.
We know that if we just repent from our sinful ways and turn to God that we would feel so much better.  But we often psyche ourselves out of it thinking that we’d miss out on too much “fun”, or convince ourselves that we have to be perfect before God would want anything to do with us.
Finally, when we do come to our senses and give it all up to God, we realize that we don’t need any of that “nasty sin” in our lives.  So we ceaselessly pray, attend church and fellowship with other Christians, and read His word.
Then, this morning when I began reading the daily scriptures, I was reading from John 5:1-23.  It was about when Jesus healed the man at the pool.  In verse nine we read that after 38 years of being crippled or paralyzed, God healed the man and told him to get up and walk.  So the verse says, “Immediately the man was well. He picked up his mat and started walking.”
If I was a betting woman, I’d bet that than once crippled man got a brighter look on his face and said, “Whew, I’m glad that’s over!”
Blessings to you.
May 21