Thanks, Dianne, for the photo.

“Wise people always think before they do anything, but fools show how stupid they are by what they do.” Proverbs 13:16
I’ve been wise, and I’ve been a fool at times too.
Whether it was peer pressure, the desire to feel included, wearing my heart on my sleeve, alcohol induced, greed, etc., there have been some “stupid” decisions made in my life.
Recently I’ve type two journal entries.  The first one I wrote about a month ago.  After I typed it, I reread, and prayed, I decided it was totally therapeutic. Yesterday I typed another.  I proofed the typing and tried to publish it but the picture I wanted to attach wasn’t loading in time. The thought “when in doubt throw it out” came to my mind. I went to a movie with Tim and Holly, and when I returned it still wasn’t loading properly.  I believe God was giving me a big hint that my intensions were kind and good, but it wasn’t the time to publish that journal entry.
These two examples may seem pretty tame, but if I would have published either of those entries, feelings may have been hurt or my words taken the wrong way.
I don’t like looking like or being a fool.  Who does?  So I must make a conscious decision to pray, think, and pray some more before my words or actions are apparent.
Remember…your actions and words don’t only affect you, but others around you.  Be wise.  Think and pray before you do.
Blessings to you.
May 14