Helloooo!  Have you read John 16:33?  Well, check this out:

  • “I have told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have troubles. But be brave! I have defeated the world!”

Okay, we’ve heard it before…Yes! We will have troubles in this world.  Guaranteed. But did you see what Jesus told us to do?  He told us to be brave!
No matter how many rounds you go in the ring with life, stand up and be brave.  He has already, did you hear that…already, defeated this world. He has conquered it.  Slam dunk!  Knock out!  He wins! Woohoo!
So when you go through tough times, and believe me you will, I am and will…take confidence in knowing that the Lord Almighty has won!  He IS the last man standing.
Trust God!  He will get you through those tough times.
Do you know Him?  Oh the peace that He can give you.  Trust Him today!
Blessings to y’all.
June 14