(After a busy day, I realized that I hadn’t posted anything.  I read the scriptures and all was good, but I just didn’t feel God pressing me to journal about any of the verses from today.  This is a little something I wrote a couple of nights after my mother-in-law’s death. I know I’ve posted a lot about Jany, and I apologize if you are tired of it.  But she was an inspiration and I hope that my words about her life are inspiring to you.)
God’s hand was always on Jany.
When she was born she was quite the surprise.  Her mother, Lucy, had no idea that Rebecca Jane was getting ready to be a part of her life.  Grandma Bar delivered her son Johnny, then low and behold if there wasn’t another baby inside of her.  Jany was born minutes after Johnny and with a veil over her face.  When the doctor saw the veil on Jany’s face he said that was a sign that she was going to be famous.
She may not have been famous as we know it in the entertainment world, but she definitely was well-known for entertaining in some fashion or another.  She was hospitable, creative, and imaginative.
God’s hand was on her eyes.  Mrs. Jany had a gift of envisioning beauty in what others may have doomed not so beautiful or just a lot of work.  Whether it was through her talent to decorate and create a room or a home, or in seeing Jesus in those who it was hard to find, she found beauty in her eyes. She found it a compliment when others would emulate her style or asked her to put her special touch on their home.  Jany would see something and want to make it beautiful.  I can recall numerous times when she told me stories of the presence or vision of a loved one that had already gone on to be with Jesus, or visions of angels even in the grocery store.  We all can take a lesson and put our God eyes on and see others the way Jesus did.  He made and makes ashes into beauty.  Jany had His touch.
God’s hand was on her mouth.  Yes, she probably removed His hand a few times to let someone know how she really felt about a situation, but she would speak her opinion in love and most often some grace sprinkled in too.  The words of wisdom I have learned from this woman are immeasurable. Not only did she share words of godly wisdom, but, young brides and brides to be, I remember when Tim and I were engaged she told me, “Stephanie, keep your man happy.”  She would go on the elaborate to suggest that if you keep your man happy, he won’t stray off to find happiness with someone else.
God’s hand was on her hand.  The lives she touched were felt by Jany’s enthusiasm for life.  As I read cards, Facebook posts, text, phone calls, and see the faces of those who love and adored her, it is evident that she had her hand in the lives of many.  Just feel comforted that when Jany’s hand was touching yours, God’s hand was too.
God’s hand was on her head.  Jany was quiet the story-teller.  She was the superlative exaggerator and very theatrical.  My children love to hear grandmama tell stories, as I sure many of those who came in relationship with her did as well.  Stories of her childhood and teen years, like when her and some friends decided to go skinny dipping in a local lake and a group of boys stole their clothes.  Or stories of the first time she saw Wayne, he was dating her sister Peggy, and saw them smooching on the couch.  Stories of her boys, Tim and Todd’s, teen years that we weren’t ready for our kids to know, like the time….no no, I’m won’t go there now. To retelling stories her brothers and sisters would share and laughing too hard to get through the adventure.  I love getting those siblings together and hearing stories.  They love to laugh!  Keep on telling and sharing.
God’s hand was heart.  She had a heart for the love of her family and friends.  The memories we all have of her most likely had something positive with it.  That positivity wasn’t from Jany alone, but from God.  She would give of her time and talent to share Jesus with others.  Her heart for Jesus was first privy to me when she was my 11th grade Sunday school teacher.  The way she would make the bible applicable to our lives, and Jesus real to us, was proof that she loved her Savior and His hand was on her heart.
I can imagine her now wanting to share her heart with you.  She would want to make sure that everyone was okay, more than okay, but right with God.  She would want to know that she will one day see each of you in heaven with her.  Jany would want God to get all the glory through this tragedy by having anyone who doesn’t have the assurance of having Jesus in their heart, to get right with God now and join her one day with Jesus.
She is decorating her mansion now with pink roses and has her cup of coffee in hand waiting for you at the feet of Jesus.
Thank you, Lord, for the legacy of Your hand being on Jany’s life.

A legacy left behind, that will continue to be strong for God…Here we are last week on our annual vacation.