I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “If momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.”  If you haven’t, I’m not sure where you’ve been, but just “google” it and you’ll see tons of sites appear.  I got a good grin when someone asked, “Who said…..?”  The reply given was, “a momma”.
This saying came to my mind when I read Proverbs 16:15 today.  It says, “When the king is happy, life is better for everyone. When he is pleased, it is like a refreshing spring rain.”  Can I get an “Amen”? (wink*giggle)
I can vouch that in my home, if I’m not in the best of moods, it truly does affect those around me. When (and it’s not very often, I don’t think) I come home stressed or unhappy, the kids, and Tim, may either do as I command,  get as far away as they can, or just know that I’ll get over it just let me be for a bit.  Oh, I know there are some eye-rolling going on when I come in barking commands.  I’m the “queen” of that too. (Eye-rolling…Not a good habit to have.)
Let’s admit it, momma is the “queen” of the household, and when the queen is happy, life is better for everyone.
But let’s be real, not every home nowadays has a mom.  They may have grandparents, guardians, a dad, an aunt or uncle, or you may be the “queen or king” of your home alone.  No matter who may be the “boss” at home, we all have One True King.  This “king” should be the boss of not only our homes, but our lives.  This boss/king is our Heavenly Father.
Don’t you want to put a smile on His face?  I do.  Making God happy should be our top priority.
I’ve learned in life that you can’t make everybody happy all the time.  It’s too exhausting, and not obtainable.  So why not strive to make The One happy that truly matters the most.  When our focus is on God, everything will fall into place.
Will we fail at times? Most likely.  But we can strive for it.  Pursue it.  Pursue happiness with God.  When we do, we will be happy.
Homework:  (Hey, I’m a teacher, and even though it’s summertime doesn’t mean I have to stop giving assignments.)  Make a list of things that make you happy.  You can add a little each day.  This list is like your “Count your blessings” list.  Do it, and you’ll find more joy in your life when you focus on the happiness you have.
I’ll start a brief list:

  • Time with God
  • My husband
  • Hunter, Holly, and Cole
  • A walk on the beach
  • Catching a tarpon last week at sunset
  • A clean house
  • The roses my mom and stepdad planted in memory of my mother-in-law
  • Seeing the kids all chat and laugh together
  • Honesty
  • No flat tires on the boat trailer coming home from vaca.
  • A pedicure
  • Fun music
  • When all my brothers and their families get together (with me of course)
  • Seeing Ross Stores “Opening Soon” sign in my town
  • A good deal
  • A sunset
  • Dancing on the dock with friends or in my backyard
  • So so so much more!!!!!!!!!

Okay, that wasn’t so brief, but I could continue all night.  Remember to even find happiness in the sad times.  Joy WILL come in the morning.
Blessings to y’all
June 23