(May 31, 2013 post)
Yea, I know this posting is a day late and a dollar short, but I knew what needed to be done.
Yesterday morning I read Psalm 68:19 and thought of my friend.  It says:

  • Praise the Lord!
    Every day He helps us with the loads we must carry.
    He is the God who saves us. Selah

I’ve mentioned my friend in a couple journal entries  before. I just can’t imagine what she is going through right now. I posted this verse on her Facebook page yesterday morning, and I knew I had to contact her this weekend to touch basis.
Yes! Contact was made and I smell like a baby. Really.  I was able to take her and her family some food and she was actually at an opportunity to chat and relax.  We sat outside under the great oaks, listened to the birds chirping, and just talked and talked for a couple of hours. After visiting outside, we went in to see if all the babies were awake.  I got to love on a couple of them.  Precious!  The youngest weighs about five to six pounds now (I’m guessing).  I got to hold, kiss on, and cuddle with that baby boy.  The middle child, a one-year-old beautiful girl has the most gorgeous brown eyes, and has a smile that will light up a room. (I had posted earlier the age the grandfather thought her to be, but discovered I was able to add couple of months.) The three-year-old child, who is unable to walk or talk due to a drowning that occurred last fall, wasn’t feeling well.  The nurse was holding him, so I just observed and silently prayed in my mind for him.
As I sat and listened to my friend tell me about all the “stuff” they’ve gone through, I couldn’t help but think of how God has, is, and will help that family with the load they have to carry during this season in their lives.
What will happen in a few months with their situation?  Only God knows.  But until then, they hold on to their faith and belief in The God who saves and carries them each moment of the day.
What about you?  Do you have the assurance that God can carry you through tough times?  I hope so.  He can carry you and will.
Blessings to y’all.
May 31